domingo, 17 de julio de 2016

Chupar faros

I'm a lucky men.

I don't like its taste. A few puffs and the back of my tongue has a horrible taste who last until I washed my mouth with toothbrush. 

I was a kid and I remember old men, peasents alike (with hat and overall) just lefting the bus. With a peaceful walking, they open one of his pockets, and pick up the Faros cigarretes package. They smoke with so a pleasure, that as far as today that images still live on my memory. 

Faros - still - is a popular cigarretes brand. Some people still says, as a synonymous of "passed away": "uf, ese hombre ya chupó Faros" (Oh, than men already sucks Faros!). The tradition says that in the Revolution times (1910 decade), a lot of people was executed using fusiliers. Then, as a "last wish" some of them ask for a cigarrete. Faros was - still it is - a popular and cheap brand. So, most of people carry a package of it. And a lot of people smoked a Faro cigarrete as the last event on his/her life.  

Tabacalera Mexicana, and the same iconic logo of the brand. Upside, the warning that Faros is not a product for rats!

A comparison of the sizes using a Cohiba cigarretes box.

Same comparison using a popular Coke!

The traditional package contains only 14 cigarretes, and unfiltered cigars. Today, no more 14 pouch is available, and it exists a filtered pouch. 

Pain in my soul reading that tobacco, a herb that emerges from Mexico in the XV century, has the authorization of the "Phillips Morris Company".

And here, a video broadcasted in Mexico in the 80's, ending with a Spanish rime

son re buenos y nada carOS.
(Faros, they are so good, and non expensive)

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